Chris Bregler

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Movement Group
Courant Institute, New York University

Chris Bregler is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at NYU's Courant Institute. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from U.C. Berkeley in 1995 and 1998 and his Diplom from Karlsruhe University in 1993. Prior to NYU he was on the faculty at Stanford University and worked for several companies including Hewlett Packard, Interval, and Disney Feature Animation. He founded the Stanford Movement Group and the NYU Movement Group, which does research in Vision and Graphics with a focus on Motion Capture, Animation, Interactive Media, and Applications to Entertainment, Art, and Medicine. This resulted in numerous publications, patents, and awards from the National Science Foundation, Sloan Foundation, Packard Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Electronic Arts, Microsoft, and other sources. He received the Olympus Prize for achievements in computer vision and AI in 2002. He was named Stanford Joyce Faculty Fellow and Terman Fellow in 1999, and Sloan Research Fellow in 2003. He was the chair for the SIGGRAPH 2004 Electronic Theater and Computer Animation Festival.