Topic Ideas for Session 4 (Discussion and Creation of a Workshop White Paper)
Topic Ideas for Session 4
Discussion and Creation of a Workshop White Paper
Topics discussed in papers
- Social networks: what works and what does not
- Privacy Issues (Access Control)
- Will the desire for access control change with the growth of the younger user population?
- Out-Of-Group Experience
- New Opportunities?
- Blurring the lines between Synchronous/Asynchronous
- Users compensating for missing system functionality by using other Web 2.0 Technologies
- Changing Mindsets
- Younger Users v.s. Older Users
- Older Industries (Aerospace) v.s. Newer Industries (Google)
- Control of Information v.s. Grass Roots Commuication
- How do we assess the value of SN in the Enterprise?
- The Social Life of Information (Brown and Duguid)
- Talking abut Work (Orr)
- Good Examples: Bayer Social Visualizations
- Gives reasons for people to talk to each other
- Lowers threshold for communication
- Is there a quantifiable benefit?
- Serendipity v.s. On Demand
- Crossing Boundries
- Customer-Designer
- University-Industry
- Problems with Tagging
- Tagging is context dependent
(tags do not transfer across different contexts)
- Tagging v.s. Foldering
- Are a large number of tags required for them to be useful?
- findings suggest usefulness at the small group level
- Expertise Tagging
- Co-workers describe your expertise
- Can this be used for User Modeling–not just finding experts?
- How do Tags reflect actual expertise?
- Motivation: Co-Activity -> Me-Mentality and We-Mentality
Topics NOT discussed in papers
- Micro collaboration
- New services